29 June 2014

It's been a while

Well it's been well over 2 years since I've posted anything.  So here's to new beginnings!
Thanks to Abi Porter for this idea of 'taking stock'.

Making: the bed, every single morning (a 2014 goal of mine)
Cooking: lots of new veggies from our CSA share box
Drinking: cold brew coffee
Reading: the July/August edition of the Food Network Magazine
Wanting: a bit more free time
Looking: through my new spectacles from warby parker
Playing: death cab for cutie's entire record collection, over and over again
Sewing: nothing at the moment
Wishing:  for the summer rays and heat to tan up my pale skin
Enjoying:  ongoing 'friends' marathon, just finished 'the one with the lottery'
Waiting:  excitedly for vacation in September
Liking:  walks along the columbia with my man and our dog
Wondering:  what I should read next
Loving:  my new bicycle
Hoping:  for so much sun this summer
Marveling: at how God made us
Needing:  a natural way to manage my summer time allergies
Smelling:  my favorite candle
Wearing:  maxi dresses
Following: friends on pinterest
Noticing:  how beautiful the rain makes this place
Thinking:  payday couldn't get here fast enough
Feeling:  grateful
Bookmarking:  tools for budgeting our household finances
Opening:  a box of Red Lobster's cheese biscuit mix

I love 'temperature check' activities.  Check out the list I used here.  Go on and try it out, I know you want to.

Good day.

11 December 2011

the kitchen

The kitchen has begun...
the sink

the floor tiled!

Sasha in the laundry room

where the washer/dryer will hook up

spot for a dishwasher



christmas tree cutting




with the faucet in!

06 November 2011

The Bargaehr Siding Crew

The dining room floor freshly scraped

Scott loves Sasha

Jack-O-Lanterns for halloween

Kitchen prior to cabinets

Kitchen with cabinets

Out to dinner, celebrating Scott's birthday

The house with NEW siding!

The front of the house about to be sided

the security system

The other side of the house being prepped to be sided

Kevin and Greg helping out

Scott and Mark working together

Lunch break

the front of the house in process

The front in process

22 October 2011

Sasha the Trooper

 Here is Sasha.

She is a trooper.
Throughout all the changes we keep making to her home, she is happy as a clam.

Here is our finished master bedroom with furniture in it!

It is our one functioning living space right now.

The vaulted ceiling and exposed beam

The door into the bathroom from the bedroom.  The door on the right goes into the hallway.

Here are the custom medicine cabinets being built out.

The front room windows trimmed out, walls painted, floors prepped to be sanded and finished.

Scott working on the dining room floor.

Our front porch, a few pumpkins, and a new wreath.